Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pork Panic

Weather: nasty. Mood: stressed.

100 people die from diseased pork. I am assuming that I have received this information before any news reporters. How would I handle this problem?

As soon as I received enough information to address the public, I would call up a reporter that I was friends with. If he isn't a friend, bribe him. This way he doesn't make us look too bad. I would have him put together a short segment about how bad pork can cause death. My reporter would interview me in which I would discuss this issue. 1) I would state that diseased pork can cause death. 2) I would assure the public that my company was deeply looking into the situation. 3) I would state that my company was the first pork company to address this issue. *Even if we are the only pork company. Then i would have a specialist, that is on my payroll, to be interviewed. He would state... 1) How to avoid "bad pork". He would also include cooking suggestions that might help insure clean pork. Finally, the reporter would include other types of death from eating foods containing
Salmonella, Listeria, and Toxoplasma. He would also include the number of deaths from last year for those cases. It just so happens that those numbers are dramatically higher. This concludes the interview that was to be on television. I would continue to work on this behind the scenes. 1) Fuel other bad press in the nation, so that this pork news get pushed further down the list of importance. 2) Find the problem, fix the problem. Whether it's more research, inspection, etc. Whatever it takes to produce pork without this disease. *I am assuming that a solution was found. 3) Disease free pork has a special sticker on it stating something clever like "Guaranteed Wholesome Pork".* Make a commercial advertising this sticker. Hopefully after all these steps the company would be able to analyze the response and learn from the experience. Alright, tired of bloggin'. Over and out.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dr. Dre

Weather: pretty nice. Mood: Over school...

Music has changed a ton over the last 100 years. The type of music produced and listened to is the most notable of changes. Music started out with not many selections to listen to. But development and evolution would help create new music and separate audiences. Jazz, Big Band, Blues, Country, and Rock are just a few genres that have participated in the evolution of music. Also the way people have obtained music has evolved as well. From a Phonograph to Cd's and now to MP3 players. The source always seems to be changing.The last change that I would like to note is how censorship has loosened up to give artists and listeners much more freedom in music. I believe you can thank Al Gore for the parental advisory sticker on a CD you may have purchased. For all the things that have changed in music, there are still some constants. Like how people jack other artists for their creative work. Elvis did it for the song Hound Dog. This is very present in Hip Hop nowadays. Also what people get out of music has also stayed the same. Whether its a good vibe or bad, music always seems to bring some kind of emotion out of the listener. Music plays a great role in my life. It can change the mood I'm in or flat out help me relax. The best way I can describe music is that it's the soundtrack to life. I myself can't wait until Dr. Dre releases his new album. I usually download music illeagally, but I plan on purchasing his upcoming Cd. I have posted a link to my sidebar on a short article confirming the release of his new Cd, Detox. The article also states that this will be his last album. I hope he goes out with a hit record. Alright, tired of bloggin'. Over and out.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Newspaper thoughts

Weather: Chilly. Mood: Hungry.

I feel that all the teams did a pretty good job, especially considering how hard it is to re-invent the newspaper. I'm not going to bash any of the other teams work. Cough Rob cough. But rather point out what makes their idea possible. The first group to present had a very unique idea in the fact that it was some kind of newspaper tablet and could be uploaded daily. I think this was the most creative concept. The only problem I could really think of was that you couldn't use it to hide your face from people like newspapers are sometimes used in the movies. I was a part of the MyamiWeb group. Although I think that we had a pretty good concept, I do not see myself paying 99.99 a year. But compared to most papers delivered to a common household, that is actually a low number. The next two groups seemed pretty similar in the fact that they were also moving to the internet. I liked the idea of a focus on budgeted life. But my favorite was The Highlander. Mostly because it served as a replacement to The Tartan. I rarely read The Tartan. But when I do, I find myself bored with most of the stories. I really don't think it's fair that a student who has gotten in trouble with the RUPD have their name, offense, age, and so on listed in the paper. The Tartan needs an upgrade to start appealing to a non-reader such as myself. The only idea I have is to have more visuals in the paper. Alright, tired of Bloggin'. Over and out.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Books. What are those?

Weather: Blah. Mood: working on it...

Books and magazines have had little if any part in my life. The only time I will buy a book or magazine is if it's school related. On the rare
occasion that I fly on an airplane, I will purchase a magazine. If there is any book that I can remember that might have effected who I am, it would be 1984 by George Orwell. The book was also made into a movie for you lazy type. I have added the link to my sidebar. You may have to watch a commercial before the trailer but you'll live. Growing up my parents didn't really ban any literature from me. Although they tried to block certain T.V. shows from me, it wasn't successful. I can't remember any certain book being banned from my school. But I don't think that we were allowed to read the full version of books like Huckleberry Finn. We were only allowed to read short excerpts from the novel. I do think that a child should be restricted from certain material growing up. But definitely not to be over done. I do think that it is ridiculous that we weren't allowed to read the entire Huckleberry Finn novel. Although, I'm happy for getting less work:) Alright, tired of bloggin'. Over and out.

Wanna be a Balla

Weather: pretty nice. Mood: tired.

MTV Cribs and ESPN. Those are the only television programs/ station that I need. Although MTV Cribs can make me feel poor. I still like to think that I would become that ballin' one day. Other that television, I am also on the internet a fair amount. I guess I visit mostly sports sites with an occasional email and Facebook check. Those are my main sources of media in my life. I am not one to be on my phone all the time. Somehow none of my conversations seem to go over the five minute marker. I calculated the time I spent absorbing media within a 24 hour period, and I seemed to have had around 5 and a half hours of media. Not quite sure how acurrate that number is considering it was pretty deficult to recognize when I was in contact with media. I seem to be depriving myself compared to most people. I feel that that being connected too much can be a problem. So I think a smart balance is wise. Alright tired of bloggin'. Over and out.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I hate kittens

Second Blog... Weather: Decent. Mood: Hungry.

No. Not because I have a dog. There is kittens living in my basement. Not the nice kind. Evil hissing kittens. Pablo is even scared of these things. I think my neighbor keeps feeding them. Well thats gotta stop. cuz they'll never leave my basement if that goes on. It's not like I can catch these suckers. My basement is an obstacle course of old furniture and spider webs. Welcome to my world. If I could only find my Bee-Bee gun... So, what am I to do? Well, anyone got a suggestion? Alright, tired of bloggin'. Over and out.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Stupid Dog

First blog. Current weather: depressing. Current mood: chillin'.

Why am I not on summer vacation? Well, I'm a slacker. I didn't really do much this year besides party and sometimes go to class. So now I'm stuck in my Radtown pad with three other slackers and a very annoying dog. Pablo is real peice of work. How do I get a hold of the Dog Whisperer? This joker needs it...
If you look close, you can see that he is pretty excited for the camera. Alright tired of bloggin'. Over and out.