Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Books. What are those?

Weather: Blah. Mood: working on it...

Books and magazines have had little if any part in my life. The only time I will buy a book or magazine is if it's school related. On the rare
occasion that I fly on an airplane, I will purchase a magazine. If there is any book that I can remember that might have effected who I am, it would be 1984 by George Orwell. The book was also made into a movie for you lazy type. I have added the link to my sidebar. You may have to watch a commercial before the trailer but you'll live. Growing up my parents didn't really ban any literature from me. Although they tried to block certain T.V. shows from me, it wasn't successful. I can't remember any certain book being banned from my school. But I don't think that we were allowed to read the full version of books like Huckleberry Finn. We were only allowed to read short excerpts from the novel. I do think that a child should be restricted from certain material growing up. But definitely not to be over done. I do think that it is ridiculous that we weren't allowed to read the entire Huckleberry Finn novel. Although, I'm happy for getting less work:) Alright, tired of bloggin'. Over and out.

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