Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wanna be a Balla

Weather: pretty nice. Mood: tired.

MTV Cribs and ESPN. Those are the only television programs/ station that I need. Although MTV Cribs can make me feel poor. I still like to think that I would become that ballin' one day. Other that television, I am also on the internet a fair amount. I guess I visit mostly sports sites with an occasional email and Facebook check. Those are my main sources of media in my life. I am not one to be on my phone all the time. Somehow none of my conversations seem to go over the five minute marker. I calculated the time I spent absorbing media within a 24 hour period, and I seemed to have had around 5 and a half hours of media. Not quite sure how acurrate that number is considering it was pretty deficult to recognize when I was in contact with media. I seem to be depriving myself compared to most people. I feel that that being connected too much can be a problem. So I think a smart balance is wise. Alright tired of bloggin'. Over and out.

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